Sunday, March 25, 2007

So many wonderful things have been happening lately, its almost too many to touch on even briefly, but I wanted to share the most recent events that have been so big in my life.

Jarrod and I are in the process of purchasing our first home. The paperwork is in the hands of the bank that owns the house and we're are simply waiting for a signature. Thursday is the inspection and if everything goes as we hope (and pray) it does, we will own our home on April 27th. It is so crazy how everything worked out. We had just enough money to go for the house we fell in love with. And it was a whirlwind trying to get it! I guess it has been a very popular house. We should be able to grow into it someday with family but for now lots of friends for dinner will do just fine. 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2500 square feet, hardwood floors, attached two-car garage, great big back yard for Samantha to play (my dog)....the list goes on and on. And none of this is due to anything we did or payed for - simply a gracious God who knew that I LOVE to have people over and be a hostess...and the means to pay for the home are falling into place just perfectly - only God could orchestrate that! By no means do Jarrod and I have a lot of money. What we are going to be paying on this house to own it is slightly less than what many people in Denver pay to rent an apartment!

Anyway, more to come on that. Life otherwise is still crazy - I wouldn't have it any other way! Wedding plans are falling into place - just bought the most beautiful wedding gown and picked out my bridesmaid and flower girl dresses. Leading worship each Sunday has it's ups and downs but most importantly, God is teaching me to be patient and focused on Him instead of the politics that church sometimes has. Work is heating up - I am traveling about once a week which seems to be too much while trying to do everything else in my life - but I am trying not to take for granted a great job that allows me to buy a home!


Blogger Becca said...

Congratulations Bonnie!! That is so exciting. We are getting all grown up. Sounds like all is going well with you and I hope and pray it continues to do so. Can't wait to see you at your wedding if I don't see you before. Take care pal. Love you.

3:52 PM  

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