Friday, March 31, 2006

Anyone in the Denver area on Saturday April 1st, come down to Leela's European Cafe at 15th and Champa. I'm singing with my friend Matthew from Plan For Landing at 9:30pm. It's FREE!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

If I ever had a band, I think this would be on the cover of my album...

So again, no pictures to share - I've been bad about bringing my camera with me places. I had a great weekend up at a cabin at Grand Lake. I went with my parents, and our friends the Marches and the Sullivans. I had a chance to go cross country skiing for the first time, which I'd like to do again next weekend, but mostly I got to relax. I'm looking forward to getting more involved with Oneeighty, the young adult group at church. Other than that, not much to write home about, rather, right FROM home about!