Tuesday, November 28, 2006


On Sunday November 19th Jarrod Artim asked me to marry him as the sun was coming up over the mountains in Evergreen Colorado. I can't explain the depth of love I have for this man and I am overjoyed that God finally answered my prayers and allowed me to find the one I've been searching for! Jarrod and I are hoping to get married some time in the fall of 2007. Most likely in September. You can probably tell by the silly grin on my face that I am beside myself with excitement! There's nothing I want more than to be married to Jarrod and seek the Lord together as one. Praise God with me! I appreciate your prayers as we begin our journey towards marriage and growing in love for God and for one another!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It has been quite a while since I last updated so I thought I would give it a go. I am actually in New York right now for an orientation for work. (yes, its been like over 6 months but I am still pretty new to all this). We went to dinner tonight at Virgils in Times Square - I have never been to New York so this was quite an experience for me! Crazy, but a lot of fun! I've been here since Monday and after our meetings are done Friday afternoon, my co worker Connie and I are going to hit the Big Apple on our own for the weekend. I am so excited. In even bigger news, I have been dating a wonderful guy for almost 2 months and I can't tell you how amazing he is. I am happier than I have ever been but more importantly, I have never felt the hand of the Lord so strongly over a relationship before. Its definitely worth asking about if you're curious. For now I will leave it at that.